The products you use to care for your hair have a massive effect on the beauty of your hair. They can either nourish your hair or damage it. Chemical, artificial hair care products always severely damage your hair, even though they claim to do the opposite. Other factors also play an integral role in the overall health and beauty of your hair. Poor nutrition, hormonal changes, chemicals, chlorinated water, pollutants, and alcohol consumption can all impair hair health. Skin is beautified with nourishment inside (nutrition, etc.) and out (nutritious skin products). The same is true for hair! Beautiful hair is not just something you are born with, how you nourish your body and your hair is what makes the difference!
Stunning Hair from the Inside Out
*HYDRATE! Drink twice your weight in ounces of spring or at least purified water per day.
*Foods for healthy hair include (all organic, if possible) dark green leafy vegetables, almonds, blackberries, papayas, plums, celery, green beans, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds, buckwheat, millet, sea vegetables, garlic, onion, olive oil, avocado.
*Hair is comprised of 95-97% protein and 3% moisture.
So, Plant proteins are particularly beneficial: spirulina, green leafy veggies, sprouts, raw nuts, raw seeds, sun-cured olives , avocado.
*Herbs or herbal teas: alfalfa, burdock root, horsetail, ho shou wu, nettle, oat straw.
*Drink plenty of fresh organic vegetable juices.
*Nutrients preferably from food (listed above) or from supplementation if needed: Zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B complex: PABA, Folic Acid, Biotin.
*Camu camu when added to hair care products strengthens, untangles, and protects hair from external damage.
*Sulfur is also particularly beneficial. MSM is a great way to get plenty of sulfur. Cacao is also high in the beauty mineral sulfur. Sulfur builds strong nails and hair, promotes beautiful skin, detoxifies the liver, and supports healthy pancreas functioning.
*Most importantly (besides water) PLENTY of Omega-3 Fatty Acids.
Best sources Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
* Flax seeds and fresh flax oil
* Hemp seeds and fresh hemp oil
* Chia seeds
* Walnuts
* Marine Phytoplankton
Care your Hair with these Special Tips
* Scalp Massages promote hair beauty, help prevent hair loss, stimulate the sebaceous glands, and improve circulation. Add 3-4 drops of Rosemary Essential oil to your fingers. Apply fingertips to your scalp and move in small circular motions for one minute in each area of your scalp. Work from hairline to sides, then over crown to the base of your neck, the way the blood flows to the heart. Inverting your head by bending forward while doing the massage is especially beneficial.
* Brushing the hair helps distribute he scalp’s oils to the full length of the hair and increases circulation the scalp. Start brushing at the ends of your hair and work up, brushing a few inches higher after every few strokes. Hold your hair while brushing it to avoid breakage and tugging at your scalp. It is good to brush your hair before washing it. Avoid brushing when wet because it is more likely to break due to its weaker hydrogen bonds.
* Avoid washing hair daily. For very oily hair, wash every other day maximum. For normal to dry hair, wash once or twice a week. Wash your hair in warm water and rinse with cool water to close the outer covering of the hair shaft. Squeaky clean hair is a sign of damage and not something to strive for.
* Consider getting a shower filter if you are not on well water. It will help protect your hair, skin, and your body (through absorption) from chlorine and other dangerous and damaging chemicals.
* Much gratitude for the wonderful book, Beauty by Nature by Brigitte Mars, from which much of the above is sourced.
[…] them!) Here’s a chia seed porridge that Jill created. Also, chia seeds are great for your hair, skin, and nails. You can buy them […]