I have something very special to share this week!
An Exclusive Interview with the stunningly Radiant and the uber knowledgable Bethanne Wanamaker, Co-Author of Superfood Beauty Elixirs.
Superfood Beauty Elixirs is my FAVORITE recipe book for super nutrition. I blend several radically beautifying and rejuvenating Elixirs from this cutting-edge Ebook every day. These Elixirs are the foundation of my diet and the nutrition I consume for ultimate health and beauty. You can survive on standard whole foods, smoothies, and juices, but to truly THRIVE at our highest potential, Elixirs like these are essential!
Interview with the Radiant Bethanne Wanamaker, Co-Author of Superfood Beauty Elixirs

Bethanne Wanamaker is a passionate Certified Nutrition and Natural Beauty Educator and Author who is wholeheartedly devoted to empowering women to take control of their own health, make conscious lifestyle decisions, and become responsible and accountable for their actions and results.Her mission is to help women understand the power they hold with regard to their health and the irresistible potential that lies within when we commit to ourselves! Her story, as written in Volume 3 of Thank God I: Stories of Inspiration, was the catalyst experience for transforming her own health, as well as finding her true purpose in this blessed life.
Bethanne is the founder EdibleGoddess.com, a company dedicated to sharing the truth about nutrition, cutting edge health and natural beauty strategies, and a growing range of products that lead to everything you could want for yourself. She studied at Bauman College of Holistic Nutrition to become a Certified Nutrition Educator and has pursued an immense level of continuing education and teaching others in topics relating to holistic nutrition, cleansing and detoxification, longevity, raw foods, Superfoods, super tonic herbs, natural beauty, flower essences, human potential, self-development and discovery.
1. What inspired you to create Superfood Beauty Elixirs?
We had been making simple versions of our elixirs for some time with MSM and whole food vitamin C and then just kept taking it to the next level – for taste, benefits, and to maximize the synergy between the ingredients we chose. It really started with these MSM/Vitamin C drinks (such as the Morning Beauty, Orange Snow Breeze, Pink Limeade) and then a cascade of ideas poured in!
The Green Supreme was created because I was traveling to Southern CA to work the LongevityNOW Conference and wanted to make a powder blend that covered all my needs while I was on the road and working super long hours. I needed to be able to mix it with just straight spring water and have it taste good, and keep me going throughout the weekend. This is one of our longest list of ingredients for our recipes (which I’d like to change in a future edition of the book) because of this. It’s the “all-in-one” – the one to make ahead of time if you have limited access to your Superhero goodies while away from home. I remember driving back home with friends, drinking my Green Supreme (which did not have a name at the time), and my friends kept saying, “you know, everyone loved your elixirs this weekend – you could really do something with this.” And from the moment I got home, Christian and I played in the kitchen taking our original simple elixir ideas combined with our recent inspiration, and created the book.
2. Do you drink elixirs like these every day? Give us an example of how you work them into your schedule.
I do drink the elixirs every day, and typically between 1-3 each day. During the 6 months it took to write our book, we made elixirs every night to test, re-test our sweet creations. Ever since, we’ve gotten in the habit of making an elixir as a “night cap” just a few hours before bed (maybe an hour after dinner or so) and we’ll enjoy it that evening and then I save a cup for myself in the fridge so I have something ready for me when I awaken the next day. We brew tonic herbal tea multiple times per day: we use it as part of the base in a seed/nut mylk for a Superfood smoothie, on chilly afternoons to keep warm and cozy, and in the evening as a nice hot cup of satisfying tea (sweetened with stevia). We go in phases with the kefir, but usually have at least one batch per week which will make us a few ultra-refreshing coconut kefir elixirs. The kefir recipes have become some of my favorites in the book and because of the high probiotic content, each drinks FEELS massively healing, which I love. There is something unbelievably quenching about the kefir recipes, and it’s always an exciting moment when we have the kefir ready to make chilled elixirs.
3. Why Superfoods and Superherbs? Can’t we just eat plenty of fruits & vegetables or drink plenty of juices?
This is a question that will always come up in the raw food movement and that’s great because many of us want simple answers to complex issues. Yet, in each of our own experiences with eating solely fruits, vegetables, and freshly made juices, it was great in the very short-term, but felt there were something missing ultimately – even with a diverse selection of local produce. Bringing wild foods, Superfoods, and tonic herbs into the diet really do take your health to the next level and it’s usually a level of health that was not imaginable beforehand. With environmental pollution so prevalent, and the fact that our soils are not even close to being as healthy as they were 100 years ago, even organic fruits and vegetables do not have the potential to allow your body full gene expression. Christian and I want seriously be as healthy as we can be, and that means hand-selecting from different dietary approaches and taking the very best of them, and compiling our own version of the optimal individual diet. Wild foods, Superfood, and tonic herbs bring with them an immense potential for activating the innate healing regenerative energy within us all and considering it is we that have the ability to heal ourselves, we are willing to step outside the super extreme purists diet and emphasize foods correlated with longevity, genius, and spiritual growth.
4. One common comment I hear about people being resistant to superfoods is are that they’re too expensive and not realistically affordable. What do you have to say about that? How do you make it work?
Packaged Superfoods certainly can have a high price tag, yet so can all packaged raw and organic foods as well. All wild foods are considered “Superfoods” and they are free and offered to us in abundance. Consider that if you buy a bottle of wild blue green algae (which happens to be very pricey because it also happens to be one of the foods EVER we could consume – a little goes a long way, so you’re not going through the bottle in 1 month. Each bottle lasts a long time (even has a great shelf life), so it’s not like you’re going out buying this stuff on a weekly basis. There IS a start-up cost, just like anything though – you may pay more initially and then the expenses go down depending upon your usage and chosen maintenance amount.
I also feel that I am my greatest investment, so I am willing to do whatever it takes to keep myself not only well, but getting younger and healthier as each year passes. Since putting health as my #1 priority, I’ve gone through my expenditures for the month and taken a close look at how I spend my money – and found ways to whittle down other expenses so I could create the life I wanted. We all spend money every day, it’s just a matter of HOW you spend it. I could look at anyone’s finances and help you determine ways to eat healthier and continue to up-level your health, even on a strict budget, and after being laid off (or any financial downfall). With my own health, I am not willing to compromise – that would be too easy and full of symptoms to do.
5. If you could pick just a handful of superfoods or superherbs to have at home, say top 5, what would they be?
Wild blue green algae, seaweeds, fresh aloe (from whole leaf), spirulina/chlorella (have to have both for various reasons), and medicinal mushrooms (#1 being Reishi)
6. What differences have you noticed in your health and beauty with these elixirs in your life?
I have definitely felt more deeply nourished since incorporating these elixirs into my life, without question. I love that I can get an infusion of mouth-watering goodness in a divinely delicious way, and not have to rely on taking pills. Consuming tonic elixirs are a liberating choice and they have the ability to address so many issues and layers at once. Specifically, my diet feels much more well-rounded since making them a staple in my routine. I have less cravings because of the deep nourishment they offer – like they’re filling in nutritional gaps that supplements just aren’t able to do. The elixirs are made with 100% food – no “supplements”, so our bodies respond much more favorably to whole food nutrition than vitamins and minerals in isolated form. Also, I’ve noticed a preserving youthful effect on my skin (which is just a reflection of what is going on internally) and that is an amazing and clear sign that I am more mineralized and truly healthier, and therefore my skin skin appears more radiant. There is also a mental satisfaction when drinking the elixirs – they’re like non-alcoholic sweet, yet super low-glycemic cocktails, so you get the magic potion in a glass that is actually going to leave you feeling much better the next morning!
7. Are elixirs like these essential for external beauty? If so, why?
I believe they are based upon what I’ve personally experienced and what I’ve witnessed in others. As we all know, radiant beauty comes from within, so not only do we want to release accumulated toxins and poisons from the body, but just as importantly we want to infuse our body with super nutrient-density to restore, regenerate, and repair us from top head to toe. We’ve found the elixirs to be the most delicious, cost-effective, and practical way to get medicinal quality foods into the diet with the greatest potential for producing immediate results – something which is likely enticing to us all. Not to mention, with liquid nutrition the absorption level is at an all-time maximum (highly bio-available), so the drinks really deliver on their promised results.
8. If you had to chose one elixir recipe that is the ultimate for gorgeous skin, hair, and nails, and overall radiance, what would it be?
#1 Green Supreme, #2 Ancient Wisdom, #3 Tropical Quench (I had to list three… 😉 But if you were to say the “ultimate” one – it’s a hard choice, but I feel Green Supreme is THE overall best beauty tonic elixir in our book with Ancient Wisdom a close 2nd.
9. What’s next for you?
The Conscious Goddess Cleanse: Bethanne is leading women from all over the world in a purifying detox program. It includes all the Healthforce products you’ll need to complete the cleanse, private phone sessions with her, and weekly teleseminars with leading experts – including me!
Be sure to check out Bethanne’s Conscious Goddess Cleanse – where I’m a featured guest speaker!
Here is Bethanne’s phenomenal Ebook, Superfood Beauty Elixirs:
<- Click here to THRIVE at a new level!
Here are some of the Superfoods featured in the Ebook. These are some of the basic ingredients you’ll need to make the Elixirs:
Vitamineral Green & Vitamineral Earth
Vitamineral Green is a superior, nutrionally dense therapeutic green superfood powder. Vitamineral Green nutritionally supports blood sugar, detoxification, the immune system, liver, kidneys, blood, bones, colon, regularity, circulation, and longevity.
Earth Sacred Healing Food contains essiac herbs, healing roots, barks, and seeds. Soothes colon, supports blood sugar, colon health, detoxification, immune system, and longevity. Earth can can be used on its own as a grounding superfood blend, or ideally taken in the same day as Vitamineral Green for a balance of yin and yang, a grounding to Vitamineral Green’s more etheric qualities.
<- Click here to CLEANSE, REJUVENATE, and THRIVE at a new level!
Plant-derived MSM Crystals: The Ultimate BEAUTY Mineral!
MSM works to build collagen, helping to create smooth skin, thick lustrous hair, and strong nails. MSM also restores and maintains healthy joints, increases flexibility, speeds recovery time from sore muscles, and is excellent for recovery from injuries. MSM makes the tissues more permeable so that they may move nutrients in and toxins out with greater ease. MSM has a remarkable effect at neutralizing foreign proteins (i.e. allergens, toxins, undigested food) making it anti-inflammatory. It provides a source of organic sulfur for the amino acids that are essential for internal cleansing.
I mix these MSM Crystals into drinks twice a day. This is the highest quality MSM available and is the only one I have found that is NOT derived from Petroleum sources.
<-Try MSM for true beauty from the inside out!
Truly Natural Vitamin C
The essential companion to MSM. MSM and Vitamin C work together synergistically. Vitamin C helps the body fully absorb the MSM. Truly Natural Vitamin C is food, not an Vitamin C synthetic or isolate. This is a naturally occuring Vitamin C in powered form. Unlike synthetic or isolates, neither of which occur in nature, this Vitamin C is non-toxic in any dosage amount and is highly absorbable. I take Vitamin C at least 3 or 4 times a day. Vitamin C not only boosts our immune systems, but it also required for collagen production. Vitamin C also speeds up skin healing and protects it from environmental aggressors.
<-Get your Vitamin C the way nature instead – an essential nutrient for health and beauty!
[…] Seaweed and Clay draw toxins out of the skin. Clay also helps to clear and tighten pores. Seaweed nourishes skin with minerals and antioxidants, and it can also help areas of congestion, like cellulite. Vitamin C […]