Photo Credit: KhayaL
At home I am used to eating a great abundance of Organic vegetables all of the time – in the form of juices, salads, just out of the ground. When I first arrived in on the island in Belize, I was trying to get my hands on as many fresh veggies as I could. After I few days, the vegetables stopped feeling good and right in my body. Even though I was told they were organically grown, I researched with locals and found that they likely were not pesticide free. (‘Organic’ and especially organic certification are non-existent terms here, and pesticides are nearly ubiquitous.) Also, because many of the vegetables do not grow here in Belize they felt wrong in my body while staying on a tropical island!
I never eat tropical fruit at home, even though some grow locally during the spring and summer. Why? Because after several years, even though I have healed myself from many conditions, I still consider myself in the process of healing from a lifetime of damage resulting in Insulin Resistance, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, and Hypothyroidism. In order to heal these particular conditions, I was eating a very low glycemic diet with no fruit or sweeteners. I gradually moved to a low glycemic diet, then a low to moderate glycemic diet, which is where I have leveled out and what feels good to my body. I still do not use sweeteners at all except for my beloved unrefined Stevia. I do not eat fruits sweeter than apples and I do not eat dried fruits.
Here, far away from home, it took what felt like a huge amount of surrender to trust that eating what was available, plentiful, and grew naturally right here was the best way to serve my body! There was a time where I almost developed a fear of very sweet fruits (dates, bananas, etc.) because of the damage refined sweet foods had done to my body. Well, after I had my first plate or two of beautiful local fruits – Papaya, Banana, and Pineapple – I felt wonderful! I eat intuitively, based on what I feel I need and what feels good physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually – during and after I eat it. Now that I have been here for nearly two weeks and my body has adapted, I have been eating tropical fruits several times a day and that is what feels best to my spirit and body here in this tropical land.
I have a spiritual philosophy on food and nature. I believe that everything is nature was created to be the perfect nourishing, healing, loving gift to all beings. I have loved experiencing this even more fully and apparently as I have begun traveling to new parts of the world. The foods that feel nourishing, balancing, and happy in my body and spirit wherever I am are foods that grow right around me! The food that has been my greatest savior and joy here, and the food that grows wild, entirely without human intervention in total abundance . . . is the divine Coconut!
Surprisingly, few locals drink the coconut water or eat the fresh meat here. There are a few dishes, including the Caribbean variety (such as coconut curry shrimp) or the American variety (such as coconut pancakes or smoothies) that use coconut shreds and canned coconut milk. With locals and travelers alike, carrying a coconut in my arms, drinking the coconut water, and eating the meat has drawn lots of attention – both out of curiosity and oddity. Opening the coconut first to get to the water and then to meat takes some effort! My husband Jed has gallantly, generously, and most lovingly been getting the coconuts for me and uses a machete to quickly open them for water and then for meat, just like a local expert.
An aside – I have always relished the amazing water and meat of the coconut, but do not eat fresh coconuts very often in California because importing them from Thailand takes a toll on the environment and the nutritional value of the coconut. Also, there are few sources for Organic young coconuts in California, unless you live in the vicinity of coconut palms and can get them directly from the tree. There are two resources online that I found – but you have to order in bulk. The sites are: www.genefitnutrition.com and www.rawguru.com Also, you can find these organic young coconuts at Erewhon in Los Angeles. TAKE NOTE: The Young Thai Coconuts you find at your local health food store or Asian Market are NOT organic. (Easily identified – they are white and dome-shaped, not like the older coconuts while have a stringy, brown husk.) ALL of these are dipped in a preservative and pesticide, usually Formaldehyde – ick! Also, never drink the coconut water in boxes and especially aluminum cans! It is not organic and has little nutrient value, if any, left and you’ll be drinking aluminum when you drink it from the cans. You can taste the aluminum very strongly. The only fresh, organic bottled version of coconut water is made by Body Ecology and can be found in the freezer section of your health food store.
Traveling here was a challenge at first. I have become so accustomed to being the one in charge of what I eat and having such an endless abundance of food options! Being in the tropics with very little food options and receiving food from others rather than preparing it myself has been a process of progressing openness, flexibility, and surrender. My surrender to the food and the blessings that are here has allowed even greater joy and gratitude.